hygienic slicing

Hygienic slicing from Bizerba easy clean, easy to use. The entire range of Bizerba slicers can be fitted with Ceraclean. The unique coating allows for a more efficient cut and and and easier clean surface. No matter what type of slicer you may be looking for we will have the right solution for you. From Manual vertical slicers to industrial high speed automatic slicers that can achieve up to 300 slices per minute. In addition to the Hygienic slicing feature we also boast the emotion technology. This technology allows the machine to determine the power required for every cut.

By implementing hygienic slicing along with emotion technology you can save up to 30% of your energy costs. Not only reducing the cost of running the machine this also has a positive impact on the environment. The industrial food slicer in the picture is one of our popular vertical slicers, in addition to slicing you can also have an integrated portion scale. Allowing you to offer your customers exactly what they require. Alternatively you could use this scale as a small scale production slicer. Users can then slice and weigh exactly what is required for each order or customer.

Hygienic slicing – Without compromise

We have been making slicers for decades and we are known for our extremely high build quality. If you are looking to future proof your business and offer a prestigious product to your end users or customers then you are in the right place. There are cheaper alternatives on the Market but you will no doubt realise that they not only do not perform as well, but tend not to stand the test of time.  Looked after and in conjunction with a preventative maintenance contract you could potentially be buying a slicer that could last a lifetime.

For more information on the Bizerba range of hygienic slicing solutions. Why not contact us today we offer free site surveys and no obligation quotes.
