Zero-Con Zero-Waste Convention

Join Bizerba at the Zero-Con Zero-Waste Convention. We will be showcasing the Zero Waste Food Shop Scale Solution 26th and 27th January 2019. It’s is taking place at Make! North Docks, in Liverpool.

Zero-Con Zero-Waste Convention is going to be an inspiring, colourful event with a large trade fair. Where you can buy and try a huge range of Zero-Waste and Plastic-Free products. There will be product demonstrations, inspiring talks, exciting workshops and thought-provoking discussions all aimed at reducing the amount of waste we, as a population, produce.

Entrance is free but ticketed, to make sure we don’t overfill the venue.

Please reserve your free-entry tickets here!

Talks and Events have a small charge, so that we can pay the facilitators, speakers and venue!

We want you to come along, and to bring friends and family who aren’t into zero-waste, or don’t think about their plastic-impact. This engaging and exciting event will open their eyes and engage them, educating about the zero-waste lifestyle and how we can impact the further public to consciously reduce their waste.

Zero-Con Zero-Waste Convention

Come and try the easy to use Bizerba Touch screen Scale solution with easy tare software.

For more information on Bizerba Zero Waste Food Shop Scales then why not Contact Us directly

The Bizerba X-Class 800 with 15” Operator screen is ideal as a self-service scale. Alternatively we can supply these as tills complete with cash drawer and bar code scanner.

Visit us at Zero-Con Zero-Waste Convention Let Bizerba help you to set up your Zero Waste shop!

Zero-Con Zero-Waste Convention – Solutions from Bizerba

We offer no obligation quotes, Site surveys and consultation visits.

The Zero Waste Food Shop Scale system from Bizerba is now a global hit, with not only organic shops popping up all over the word even Farm Shops and Health food shops are now embracing the concept of Zero Waste Shopping. Join us and help us make the right steps by eliminating single use plastics and plastic bags. Not sure how to set up a zero waste shop.

We have all the contacts you need and all the know how on setting up this type of project. We have now assisted thousands of shops across the globe.

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