Checkweigher with Reject

The Checkweigher with reject pushers from Bizerba. Mainly used within the food processing industry the popular CWFmaxx checkweighers could be the solution for you.

Checkweigher with Reject – Pushers or Air

The two main types of pushers are hydraulic pushers that will guide the failed items into a bin. Or we can supply pushers that are pneumatic and will shoot high pressure air onto the packagers to either divert them into bins or alternative routes along the conveyor.

Checkweigher with Reject – Package Flow

Alternatively the pushers should be used to control the flow of goods along the conveyor. The system, set up in such a way that any over weight or under weight packages directed into alternative directions. Alternative labelling or further inspection systems.

You could also just direct the goods into separate bins for under weight and over weight and allow physical inspections or rejections to take place.  If used in conjunction with Bizerba weigh price labelling systems. Each package, labelled and priced according to its individual weights.

Checkweigher with Reject – X-Ray Food

As an added layer of protection to your production line you may want to add one or even several inspection systems available. X-Ray food system is one of the most popular combinations, detecting ferrous and non ferrous metals again any packages that have any contaminants will be rejected with pushers of your choice.

Furthermore you may be considering a vision inspection system. The two main systems we supply are the BVS®-L maxx vision inspection system and the Vision system ThermoSecure L. Both check labels, package integrity and will record and capture an image of every package that passes through the system.

Why not watch the latest video in vision inspection systems from Bizerba.

Checkweighers with reject come in many variants, what ever your requirements we are sure to have a solution for you.

Why not contact Bizerba today for a free site survey or consultation visit.
