Intelligent weighing technology systems from Bizerba integrate all the key retail tasks, weighing, point of sale functionality, consumer advice, advertising, printing and advising all in a single solution.
Bizerba has invested in new Intelligent Weighing Technology.
Firstly They are playing an increasingly important role in growing sales and earnings in the fresh food sector.
An introduction of an intelligent weighing solution Brain will help speed up return on investment via genuine additional sales achievable from intelligent software, for example through cross-selling, visual merchandising and sales staff coaching.
Also the fresh food counter is exactly the place where full use must be made of the opportunities for additional sales opportunities.
That’s where a better range of information makes a decisive contribution to customer loyalty and can help to win over completely new groups of buyers with Bizerba’s Intelligent weighing technology.
Understand your customer needs and their shopping behaviour; many people are now eating in more than out.
The experience felt by many retailers is that shoppers are increasingly sophisticated and discerning in their tastes, and open to new food ideas.
Why? Intelligent Weighing Technology
Consider you can win more sales through in-store product marketing: advertising at the fresh food counter. With clarity on a customer display, targeted control of your advertising message. Use of multimedia (image and sound) and the possibility of leasing advertising space.
Furthermore intelligent weighing technology can assist your customers on products, nutrition and recipe information on demand. Additional cross-selling by ensuring you have product-related information displayed while serving the customer.
All of which provides a growing opportunity for retailers. One that is facilitated by the many advantages offered by investing in an intelligent weighing technology system.
Finally for more information or a discussion contact Bizerba (UK) Ltd. We can visit you or you are welcome to book an appointment. At our bespoke show room in Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes.