Standard Checkweigher CWE Maxx from Bizerba. The highest level quality assured. The food industry choice due to the performance and reliability.
Combinations for a standard checkweigher.
The CWE Maxx can be combined with a number of different products in the Bizerba range. This can include a Metal Detector. Vision inspection in food and non-food areas. The system has outstanding high performance in any setting. The standard checkweigher will manage output and weighing ranges of up to 15 Kilograms.
Depending on the size and weight of the products to be checked. The system can check and weigh upwards of 400 units per minute. The system can be used in conjunction with fill quality control. Will also handle weighing ranges from 10 grams to 15000 grams.
All the standard checkweigh systems come with IP65 protection. They all come with a quick change belt replacement system. Quickly and easily clean the system with it’s outstanding ergonomic design. Integration of metal detectors and vision systems as standard.
Bespoke adjustment is also available to suit the customer requirements. Can also include the Bizerba Brain Software. The software can give you live analyses. Real time reporting and compliance.
The standard checkweigher also comes with a 12″ or 7″ display. There are 4 different versions of the CWE Maxx. Capable of checkweighing any production line.
All the CWE Maxx systems come with ejector systems. They can be Pusher, air pusher, flippers and catchers. Of course they will all operate left to right or right to left.
You may also want to integrate the system with The Bizerba BVS®-L maxx vision inspection system. The Vision inspection system.
All Bizerba products are ready to view at our show room in Milton Keynes. If you would like a viewing. Please contact Bizerba and we will book you in for an appointment. Alternatively we can offer you a free site survey to establish your requirements.
Bizerba serving and supplying the food industry for over 150 years. Still 100% family owned.
Download the Standard Checkweigher Bizerba CWP Maxx.