The Bizerba Plug In Label System. Intelligent control over your labelling systems. Software and cameras ensure that you never use the incorrect label ever again. Also included is intelligent replacement technologies. Identifies as to incorrect label types used. The system will alert the user. Alternative sized labels used. The system will read the bar code, adjust the label parameters and reset the print areas.
Memorising your entire label catalogue, there is no set up involved for future roll changes or label changes. The intelligent plug in label system. Initially developed for the price labelling GLM-Levo. Now the system is in place for all our label machines. Not only do these systems automatically weigh and label packaged goods, they control the labels them selves, ensuring that the correct labels are used with the correct parameters.
Currently managing over 200 items per minute. Maximum speed applied to thermal labels. Each batch safety checked to ensure the very best print quality.
Why not watch the latest video on the label and print change functionality.
Plug In Label System – Quality Checking
The system will recognise the label from the bar code on the backing, or reverse of the label. Many companies produce labels in differing formats for alternative countries that we supply.
At times the information on the labels not only has to reflect that countries language but the actual content on the label. The plug in label system automatically recognises this and will use alternative templates for each country specific label.
Each label roll that we produce has a unique identification code, this enables the system to quickly reject incorrect labels and will automatically shut down the line until the operator inserts the correct label.
For more information on the plug in label system visit the main site or contact Bizerba directly for a free demonstration.