Bizerba Multifunctional labels. From tamper proof anti theft labels to designer labels and special labels where the surface area is too small to encompass all the information that is required.
Multifunctional labels – Illegal Tampering
Considered a challenge for retailers today where shop lifters target high priced items to include cuts of meat, wines and spirits, high value items including the clothing industry. Bizerba has developed the TE label system or “Tamper Evident”. These labels are extremely difficult to remove, if an attempt is made, the label will change colour or leave unmovable parts of the label behind. Clearly showing any attempt to tamper with the item.
Furthermore this system lends itself to an added layer of protection for manufacturers where repackaging may occur. Any attempt to remove the label will result in a damaged package or failed label. Clear evidence of tampering. These labels can be used in the meat industry and designer sweets. These labels are currently being used in the gaming industry and music industry protecting the sealed products from illegal tampering.
Multifunctional labels – RF Labels
Radio frequency labels are common place in the retail industry, allowing retailers and manufacturers to control and manage the products without the need to apply cumbersome security boxes or seals that need to be removed at the till. The RF label is discreetly placed under the label or seal on the package.
Also any attempt to leave a shop with an RF label attached will raise the in store alarm. This application is also used on CD’s and clothes. More commonly used in the meat industry to ensure that expensive cuts do not walk out of the store.
Finally adding additional flexibility to irregular products that have high values, consider the Bizerba radio frequency multifunctional label. If you are looking for a label solution and are unsure as to the best solution for your products, feel free to contact Bizerba. The range is not limited to security and RF labels Bizerba will accommodate all requirements.
For normal printing requirements you may want to look at our range of thermal labels.