Retail Scale Software from Bizerba. Whether you are a large retail store or a sole trader we have developed a extensive range of software solutions for the retail industry. Each system can be tailored to the individual needs whilst at all times easy to use and operate.
Retail Scale Software – Power Scale
The .RetailPowerScale is an all in one solution for all your retail software requirements. This system is used in large department stores or supermarkets to sole traders globally. Enabling you to turn you retail scale into a powerful multi-functional device. The single solution that will cover everything from. Selling, cashing, labelling, advertising, advice and weighing.
Retail Scale Software – Retail Impact
Also consider the .RetailImpact advertising software. This is a multimedia sales assistant to enable you to cross sell or up sell individual or multiple products. In real time this will display special offers, targeted information and product knowledge.
The software can be managed remotely. Controlling multiple units in the store,integrated to external advertising boards, send a clear and consistent message throughout the retail environment.
Retail Scale Software – Retail Control
.RetailControl Business. All the reports you need at a glance, all in one place. Centrally monitoring multiple units or banks of units. The system allows for an administrator to take complete control over the layouts of the retail scales. The layouts, structure and reporting.
Enabling the administrator to view the status of any transaction in real time at any one time. The software offers complete transparency. Monitored live or the reports, set up to run automatically.
Retail Scale Software – Monitoring Software
All the retail reporting you need at a glance. centralised monitoring of multiple scales from a central location. Full device management and reporting all on one piece of software. Reporting on multiple devices or you can home in on an individual transaction in real time.
Retail Scale Software – Interface Software
.RetailConnect interface software. The universal tool to enable you to convert data from any source. All ERP systems, easily integrated into this flexible software solution. Presently there are so many different software applications that do not speak to each other. This software overcomes that issue.
If you are looking for Bizerba retail software or Bizerba Retail Scales. We are sure to have a solution for you. Contact Bizerba for more information on our unique and bespoke software solutions for the retail industry.