Bizerba Twin Lane Checkweigher and labelling system consider the GLM-Imaxx series. Intelligent labelling and checkweigher for industrial sectors covering food and non food areas.
The packages automatically fed through the system, aligned, weighed and labelled. Furthermore coping with alternative package sizes and weights the label machine will apply the labels to the sides, tops and bottoms of the packages.
Twin Lane Checkweigher – Alternative Options
Also consider the GLM-Ievo for automatic labelling and weighing, watch the latest video of this high specification machine in action.
Twin Lane Checkweigher – Multi Lane Checkweigher
We can now boast to be the only genuine supplier of twin or multiple lane checkweighers in the market today. Each system whatever you may choose will be tailored to your requirements, we do not just combine two machines to make it a dual or multi lane system.
The systems are completely integrated, thus resulting in a seamless reporting system and full statistical analyses for the entire multi lane process.
Consider the hygienic checkweigher the CWPmaxx. Perfectly suited for weighing unpack-aged foods. Twin lane checkweigher or multiple lanes all controlled from a single control panel. A truly integrated system for production lines. Added features for reporting with the _statistical BRAIN software.
Furthermore if you require a twin lane checkweigher system or price label system, we will be able to integrate these into your existing systems, our flexible software will talk to your existing software allowing seamless reporting on the production line.
Considering these systems can be extremely complex. The free site surveys, consultation visits ensure that the entire system completely tested off site before installation. Additionally we will be able to demonstrate your actual system off site before the install and set up any scenarios that may occur in production.
Finally why not Contact Bizerba today for your twin lane checkweigher requirements today.