The entry level Bizerba CWE Maxx Checkweigher is one of the most popular standard checkweigher systems we produce. Even though classed as an entry level system. The flexibility and unique features make this the perfect solution to any production facility.
Bizerba CWE Maxx Checkweigher – Features
Also as you would expect the system checks weighs and rejects items from 10 grams to 1500 grams. To be used with combination checkers and inspection systems integrated into your production line. Mainly used in the food industry but not limited to that area.
An added consideration would be combining the Bizerba CWE Maxx Checkweigher with an x-ray food system or Metal inspection system. The built in BRAIN software will manage the production line seamlessly. Analytical reporting, statistical reporting, data capture and food trace ability. All controlled by one central unit.
Furthermore the dynamic checkweigher CW range with a production checking speed of up to 400 units per minute. All statistical data retrieved and monitored on the 12 inch colour touch screen. Incorporated into the systems, the quick belt change designed and developed by Bizerba. No tools are necessary enabling a smooth production line at all times.

Bizerba CWE Maxx Checkweigher – Modular Design
Consider an inline production system adapted or adjusted to any production lines. Placed at any point within the line set up on site and the positioning and direction and height adjusted accordingly. Adding a layer of inspection and check weigher to the line and enabling clarity on under and over filled packages.
In conclusion the Dynamic checkweigher CWEmaxx can fulfil all your checkweigh requirements. adaptable and flexible with full reporting and integration of inspection systems available. Checkweigher systems are set up at the industrial showroom in Milton Keynes.
Finally if you would like to view the systems in action you are welcome to do so by appointment where we can set up the system of choice before you arrive. Please contact Bizerba to book an appointment.
Alternatively read the blog What are checkweighers.